Felt so good to machine knit today. It's been a very long time. Our Sacramento Guild was having a lesson on Knit Leaders. I've seen them used, but have never used one. I have one built into my machine for gosh sakes I should find out if it works and find out how to use it. Carolyn gave a great explanation. I didn't know I had to have a swatch, but we decided to use her swap and pretend it was mine. That way I learned out to measure it and how to use the stitch guide, the rulers, the patterns, and the built in knit leader. I should look up in my manual what exactly everything is called. I brought the wrong manual to class. Fortunately, Carolyn has my exact machine at home and knew how to use it.
Here I am all set up. I just did a small portion of the pattern to get an idea of how it worked. I did from about 2 inches below the arm hole shaping on up to the neck line. It really worked out great. Not a lot of thinking needed to be done with the knit leader in action. It told me where to decrease and what needles to do it on. I found it quite fascinating.
Here's my little sweater experiment armhole. I was quite impressed. I also loved this little gizmo Carolyn's husband made her. I'm talking about the board that is under my knitting. It is a piece of wood with a piece of sandpaper glued to it. It was too terribly rough, but had enough traction that when you lay a swat or in this case my sweater experiment it holds the knitting out rather than it rolling. I liked that I could see what was going on without having to block it. It's just an experiment and I will be unraveling it.
It felt so strange to be knitting. My cast on and cast off skills were definitely week, but by hour 2 I was feeling like a pro again. Time to knit myself a sweater.
2 days ago