OK no snickering from the peanut gallery. I'm no model especially of sweaters from the 80's, but I just loved this sweater. Yes, the color, but maybe a less busy pattern, I also loved the general shape of the sweater. It was long, warm and well crafted. I would love this pattern done in an up to date color and pattern. Well, maybe done in my size too. I like that it was light in weight, yet heavy in warmth. Much better than the big ole coat I was wearing around while in China. I would totally wear a sweater like this. Hoping she still has the pattern. OK who am I kidding of course she has the pattern. She's very organized.
On a funny note the gal who made the sweater is a fabulous machine knitter. She wanted to bring this sweater to the guild meeting to show what wonderful things can be done, but it was missing a button. Now I jest about it being made in the 80's, but I'm not exaggerating that it was made in the 90's. This gal thought how the heck am I going to match these buttons. They are long barrel shaped black buttons. To her great surprise the fabric store had the exact buttons still for sale. She sewed one on to the front and one into the lining for future button failures.
13 hours ago